Contact Leanna on 01792 232144 or 079205 23244
Mens Health
Men are becoming more health conscious with the arrival of magazines and newspaper articles bringing attention to the subject.
Men are taking an active role in their health care more than ever. Awareness has risen with Men and their health as with the media and healthcare professionals.
Men may suffer from general ailments, and male orientated diseases one of the most common BPH – Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, known as enlarged prostate. This condition affects many men from their fifth decade onwards. A lot can be done to treat this condition and other men’s aliments with bespoke Herbal remedies for each individual. Nutrition and Lifestyle changes will be discussed.
Supplements can affect the male body differently from a female, so it is important to know that the supplements he is taking suits his body. It is noticeable that Men’s supplements are quite different from Women’s supplements.
Food and alcohol are metabolized differently in a Man. They are more tolerant to alcohol and often their metabolism is faster.
Work-outs at a gym often involve mainly upper bodywork. as well as cardiovascular. Suggestions for exercise will be made, cycling, running, swimming and any exercise that he enjoys is good.
Exercising throughout life stands a man in good stead for better health when he gets older as the breathing capacity can be to its maximum potential for an older man compared to men who never exercise throughout life.A nutrition plan is very important for achieving and sustaining good health. Leanna will compose a personal nutrition plan that is very flexible.
Leanna Broom has a ‘Well Man Clinic’ she believes that prevention of disease and to help Men get on the road to better health is preferable.
However in the human body, disease can arise even if Men look after themselves. The earlier the condition is addressed, the better for him as less discomfort is suffered and generally less irreversible damage can occur.
Leanna has been treating male ailments for many years.
This includes commonly occurring health problems that affect both Men and Women of which there are many. If you want more information you can contact Leanna on her Contact Page.
Teenage acne, Fertility issues, digestive ailments, COPD – chronic obstructive airways disease, stress, skin problems, gout, B.P.H, hypertension and other typically occurring male diseases can all be treatable.